Client: Rangitikei District Council
Date: February 2010 to April 2010
The Marton WWTP had ongoing odour issues emitting from the anaerobic pond resulting in unsatisfactory compliance from a consents viewpoint.
Mechanical aeration was not working and Waterclean was engaged to design a permeable odour control cover.
Our confidence was well-founded: the effect of the floating media ‘blanket’ has been outstanding. From the outset, the odour was mitigated.
The community no longer suffers regular unpleasant smells and, as an additional bonus, the council is continually saving approximately $150,000 annually in energy costs. A further benefit is the dramatic effect the system has had on BOD influent, usually 450gm/m³ in this pond. The Floating Treatment Media are consistently removing above 80 per cent adding hugely to the improvement in overall effluent quality.
Wastewater Influent to anaerobic digestion cover ADC and effluent quality
NOTE: The average removal rate in this system is constantly increasing as the system matures. The ADC also has maintained a constant temperature of 27ºC which is assisting in the digestion process. Also important to note is the freeboard (100mm) of the matrix is supporting Methanotrophs(1) and other bacteria that digest gases.
Parameter | Infulent Median | Effluent Median | Removal Rates % |
BOD5(gm/m3) | 450 | 80 | 83 |
TSS(gm/m3) | 400 | 70 | 82 |
For more information, please contact:
Terry Wearmouth
T 64 9 973 3443